- The clan starts at level 5. The maximum number of clans in an Alliance is 1.
- The maximum number of members in the clan is 18.
- Clan skills are available to all clan members.
- Only reputation is required to learn clan skills.
- Only reputation is required to level up the clan.
- Clan reputation is earned by killing Orfen, Core, and Raid bosses from the .rb list.
- The cost of 1 clan skill is 200 reputation points.
Cost of leveling up:
For level 6 = 2000
For level 7 = 3000
For level 8 = 5000 -
Using the .clanbonus command, the Clan Leader can activate a bonus and receive 1500 reputation points.
All clan members, including the Clan Leader, receive a special item in their inventory upon clan creation:
Clan Services
- With this, the following functions and services are available:
- 1) Clan announcement upon login.
- 2) More favorable exchange rates for in-game currencies.
3) Purchase of in-game items for
Clan Reputation (available only to the Clan Leader)
Access to these functions is granted to characters in a clan with a minimum of level 7.
- Sieges occur every three days from 18:00 to 19:00 GMT+3.
- Registration closes on the day of the siege at 17:00 GMT+3.
Each captured castle grants its owner 3 clan skills.
(These skills are available to all clan members.) -
- The Lord's Crown grants its owner
Noblesse Blessing [Passive]
and the Clan Gate skill, which summons clan members to their Leader, with a 10-minute cooldown.
The reward for successfully capturing a castle includes
50 COL and a unique costume that is not available for purchase in the GM shop.
It cannot be traded, dropped, sold, or deleted.
The reward appears in the Clan Warehouse after successfully capturing the castles of Rune, Giran, or Aden.SpoilerCostume appearance:
Three castles are available for Siege: -
Castle Shield +5% P.Def;
Castle Barrier +5% M.Def;
Castle Resist +10% Water\Wind\Fire Resist;
Castle Movement +6 Speed;
Castle Might +7% P.Atk;
Castle Death Whisper +10% Crit.Power;
Castle Fortitude +15% Stun\Shock Resist;
Castle Empower +5% M.Atk
Castle Body +500 Max HP.