- Chronicles: Interlude (The Chaotic Throne)
Platform: Java + PTS Mechanics & Scripts
All shop prices are indexed according to Adena rates: x1*
Level 10 upon character creation
- Exp/Sp x100 / Premium x150 / Rune x200
- Adena x1 / Premium x1.5 / Rune x2
- Drop x200 / Premium x300 / Rune x400
- Spoil : Disabled, all spoil lists have been moved to drop lists with indexing.
- Seal Stone x10 / Seal Stone x15 / Rune Seal Stone x20
Quest Drop Reward x1 (some quests have increased drop rates)
Main currencies of the project:
Adena - drops from monsters.
Festival Adena - drops from champions 65 LvL - 85 LvL, drops from raid bosses, epic bosses, event rewards.
Coin Of Luck - Donations, drops from ANT KING BOSS, FA exchange for Deluxe Premium account holders, FA exchange for clan members 7+ levels.
Quests with increased rates:
- Alliance with Varka Silenos
- War With Varka Silenos
- Alliance With Varka Silenos
- War With Ketra Orcs
- Relics of the Old Empire
- Gather The Flames
- Through the Gate Once More
- Exploration of Giants Cave, part 1
- Exploration of Giants Cave, part 2
- Legacy Of Insolence
- Whisper of Dreams, part 1
- Whisper of Dreams, part 2
- Heart In Search Of Power
- Into the Flame
- Finest Food
- Seekers of the Holy Grail
- Guardians of the Holy Grail
- Hunt of the Golden Ram Mercenary Force
- The Zero Hour
- A Powerful Primeval Creature
- Rise & Fall of the Elroki Tribe
To obtain the Noble status, you will need
Noblesse Certificate +
30kk Adena
Noblesse Certificate is given to the group that kills Flame Of Splendor Barakiel.
- Level 76+ is required to obtain the certificate.
- Subclass is not required.
- The standard quest is disabled.
- Respawn interval - 6 hours.
- Premium account affects EXP\SP\DROP\ADENA +50%
Premium account affects Chance Indicators:
Enchantment success chance +5%
Chance to get a skill with Augmentation +3% (Without PA 7% with PA 10%)
Works in a party if all members have Premium Account activated.
Otherwise, the overall rate is divided among the group.
For example, in a group of 2 characters, one has PA, the other does not.
Without a party, for the character with PA, the drop of Adena from a mob, for example, is 1125 Adena, for the character without PA 750 Adena.
In a group where 1 character has a premium account and the other does not, both characters will have a drop of ((750a+1125a)/2) = 938 Adena. -
When purchasing a premium account, you receive a special item -
Premium Services
When you click on it, a dialog opens with the following features:
1. Free Nickname Change with some symbols (1 time in 7 days)*
2. Free Color Change of Title and Nickname (limited number of shades)*
3. More favorable exchange of in-game currencies and consumables.
4. Purchase of unique costumes and accessories*
Deluxe Premium Account holders have:
1. The ability to use the buff outside the peace zone in Alt + B (Community Board)
(CP HP MP recovery is disabled, the buffer works only when the character is in a calm state)
* - As soon as the premium account expires, items marked with this symbol will revert to their original state.
- All characters have been given the skills Block Buff, Escape, Summon Friend
Maximum Magic Crit Chance - 50%
You can check the current magic crit chance and other character stats with the command in chat .myinfo - For magic classes, the Magic Crit Chance is also displayed in the character's stats instead of the Physical Crit Chance. 1 = 1%
- All levels of Diseases in Hot Springs have level 4 characteristics.
Mana Potions Have a static cooldown of 3 seconds and restore 700 MP
Elixir of Mental Strength - Restores more MP. ( S-Grade = 4200MP\5 min )
Arcane Protection =
Paagrios Emblem
- Self-buffs do not take up a slot.
- Shield Physical Defense affects the damage reduction strength from an arrow hitting the shield.
- A tax has been added for trading augmented weapons - 1 COL from the seller.